Monday, August 27, 2012

Currant Events ...

     It's been awhile since I have posted to this page.  Today I'm not going to be posting a Scripture Reflection.  Instead I am going to be posting an update on my health.  About three weeks ago I went to my Cardiologist for an annual check-up.  She scheduled a Stress Test for me for the following week.  The results indicated a blockage in both the right upper and left lower blood vessels feeding the heart.
     I have now gotten four new stents, and I was sent home 24 hours later.  I believe that the quick "turn around time" was a direct result of having the procedure preformed by going through the wrist instead of the groin.  As an added bonus this morning I went for a 12 minute walk around Mooers.  My plan is now to resume my daily walking and to let the "unpacking" take a less than first place in the order of my daily living.
     Actually the grandchildren are still at the top of my list ... followed very closely by my daughters and son, my wife, some veryclose friends, and then myself.  I've been told that if I do not take care of myself then I will not be around to take care of my loved ones.  In my brain I know this is true, but it is so hard to place myself ahead of others.
     Well, I'll have time to think about this while taking my daily "morning walks" once again.  I'm also hoping to continue to share with those who are willing to take the time to read these postings.