Sunday, March 18, 2012

Do we really know John 3:16?

John 3:16 is for many of us the most famous verse of the entire New Testament.  I can still recall with many pleasant memories when I was a high school student in the mid 1960’s playing football for the North Syracuse Central High School team, and seeing that someone up in the bleachers had the bold letters of “JOHN 3:16” clearly written on their poster.  I know that no one on either team had the jersey number 316 on their uniform, but it wasn’t until several months later that I was to discover the true meaning of this sign.  That following spring my father and I were watch a New York Yankee’s game when I noticed that same sign was in the crowd attending the game.  I asked Dad what the sign meant and he told me to look it up in the Bible.  I did.  That was the first time that I ever read this famous verse.
The truth is that there are many of us who have watched a number of professional or collegiate football, baseball, or basketball games over the years, and we have repeatedly seen the John 3:16 sign many times.  Some of us may have known what it referred to while others may have asked questions of family or friends.  Either way, the sign was effective.
I have also seen a much larger version of this sign which had written on it the following: “John 3:16 – ‘For God so loved the World.’”  To be honest with you, though it might be a “nice thought,” it really has no true depth.  In fact its real value might be in that it could draw the reader into a mode of deeper questioning.  How does God love the world?  How much does God do for the world?  What does God love less than the world?  What does God love more than the world?  And don’t I also have a deep memory of being told to not fall in love with this world and its ever changing values?  No, that statement is just too short.
We could make it longer; like the one on the front of our bulletin this morning: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”  This too is a common mistake.  First, that is not what John 3:16 really says; there is more to this verse.  Second, stopping here could imply that there is no action required on our part.  Does that mean that we can continue to sin as much and as often as we want?  Is there even a need for us to repent of our sins?  After all, Jesus has already made the ultimate sacrifice.  And while I’m asking these questions, let me add this one: Is there really a need for us to reach out to others?  After all, why should we make the effort if Jesus has already sacrificed himself for our sins?
So just what does John 3:16 really say?  For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.[1]  It’s this second part of John 3:16 that I’m talking about today.  This is the part that may be the most important difference in what I and others have been talking about this morning.  God gave us Jesus so that everyone who believes in him would not have to perish, but rather those who truly believe in Jesus would have eternal life.
But what does it mean to “believe in him”?  Are just words required?  Is the only requirement that we stand in front of a congregation and state that we believe in Jesus?  Or is it a requirement that our actions also clearly demonstrates that we are true followers of Jesus?  I can assure you that a deeper and closer study of the complete works of the New Testament will help you discover the true answer that the life and teachings of Jesus and his Apostles have to offer.  The Christian Faith calls for the followers to believe that the promises made by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are true and everlasting.
God has sent Jesus to us to help us understand the depth of God’s love, and to understand that we are also called to action … and not just to repeating words.

[1] John 3:16 NRSV

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