Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Change for a dollar ...

For if the eagerness is there,
      the gift is acceptable according to what one has
      — not according to what one does not have.
          [2nd Corinthians 8:12 NRSV]

      In Paul’s second letter to the faithful community of Corinthians he is encouraging them to strive for what he calls "true faith." For Paul, and for many of us even today, the concept of true faith is found not in those who know all the correct words and practices. Rather true faith is to be found in those whose hearts have been opened to the point that they are willing to embrace and encourage those who may appear to be different.
      Some faith communities have become so "closed" that they believe that only they and their brothers and sisters are among those chosen by God for salvation. Some people are able to walk past those who are in need of help and encouragement. They do so because they believe that to reach out to the "other" is to defile themselves and therefor lose their place in God’s promised eternal reward. 
      For some of us the true Kingdom of God is seen when we reach out in love and compassion to those who are in deep need. I would encourage each and everyone of us who read these words to also visit the You Tube sight and watch a video that has made a great difference in my life. It might just help you see more clearly who are our sisters and our brothers, it is called "Change for a dollar":

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