Monday, August 29, 2011

Overcome evil with good!

              Upon listening to this morning’s scripture readings, it would seem that we are all too often caught up in a paradox.  The dictionary informs us that the definition of paradox is, “a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.[1]
Two of the most critical lessons being taught through-out the history of the world and even still into this present day are: (1) Those who control the most wealth have the most power over everyone else. (2) We are to absolutely show no mercy to those who would dare to oppose us, for they are the true source of evil, and they should be repaid “an eye for an eye!”  And so through-out the centuries humanity has struggled with the concept of one individual controlling vast wealth and resources while thousands or millions of others have starved to death … and I will not even try to recount the millions upon millions who have suffered in the cruel hands of war and ethnic cleansing all in the name of revenge and trying to “keep the evil at bay.”
However, greed and revenge do not have to have the last word.  Nor do they even need to be the driving force within our lives.  We truly do have a choice; we can choose to follow the teachings of this world or we can turn our back on them and chose to follow different goals.
Jesus is asking us a very interesting question this morning, “For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?[2]  Paul also seems to be addressing the same thought when he wrote, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.[3]  Both of these teachings would seem to placing us at odds with our everyday world for they do not match with what the world has been teaching everyone for centuries. 
I have recently had the pleasure of seeing a movie with my wife and some friends.  If you have not seen the movie or read the book entitled “The Help,” I highly recommend that you take the time to see the film.  There is little doubt about the “clash between the haves and the have nots” in this story.  The image of those who are actively striving to collect as many “things and honors” in their lives is in deep contrast with those who at first blush appear to have nothing. 
However, as the story progresses it becomes very apparent that those who are “holding tightly to the symbols of worldly wealth” are all too willing to use some of the most vile, dispicable, and evil means to gain what they believe to be the greatest treasures of this world.  At the same time, we are shown time again how the love of a child, the encouragement of family, and the trust of companions far out-weigh the all to fleeting treasures of this world.
In closing I would share with you three thoughts.  First, the next time you are at the calling hours for a “wealthy person,” look closely into the coffin … do you see their vast storehouse of treasures going with them?  Of course not; but then why should they be there?  What can any one buy in heaven?
Second, for many of us the greatest treasures in this world are the love and the respect of our family and friends.  For me there is no greater treasure in all of this world than seeing the smile on the face of one of my grandchildren when they see Poppa!
Third – I would remind all of us of a statement that has been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I have discovered that the truest form of grace is to always trust and believe that we can overcome evil with good.

[2] Matthew 16:26a NRSV
[3] Romans 12:21 NRSV

Sunday, August 21, 2011

"... on this rock I will build ..."

          From this morning’s Gospel reading we hear once more a famous quote from the Bible, “… on this rock I will build my church”.[1]  Over the course of centries many individuals who have reflected deeply upon these words, spoken by Jesus to the disciple Simon Peter - son of Jonah, and also known among the Disciples as “the rock.” Many have claimed that this is the moment in time when Jesus directly points to the future creation of what has become known as the Christian Church.  And many have claimed that the one true Christian Church was built on the foundation of the faith of Simon Peter.  There are some individuals however who wonder if the placing of stress upon a single individual – Simon Peter – the Rock – detracts from the real intended message of our Savior – the Son of God - Jesus.
Our history, our heritage may have begun at the moment that Jesus shared with his disciples that his church was to be built not only on the profession of faith in the arrival of the Messiah, but also in a personal commitment to share this message of hope and salvation with those around us.
Over and over again we are able to see examples in the writtings of the Gospels, that Jesus – not only the Son of God, but indeed God incarnate and walking among us – actually does things to help those who are around him.  Jesus comforts those who are shunned, isolated or suffering in grief.  Jesus feeds those who are starving both physically and spiritually.  Jesus heals those who are ill, lame, or possessed.  Jesus returns vision to those who are either physically or spiritually blind.  Jesus brings life back to those who are dead in body or soul.  The only individuals that Jesus was not able to help in one way or another were those who did not believe in him.  The foundation of the Church is faith; faith that the Son of God came to be amoung us, faith that we are asked by God to be an active present in the lives of those around us, and faith that we will make a difference in the lives of those to whom we bring this message of hope and salvation. 
In this morning’s reading from Paul’s letter to the Christian Commumity in Roman we hear an ardent exhortation to strive so that we may advance in our spiritual worship.  Rather then being encouraged into complacency by basking in the knowledge that those who are once saved are always saved, we are challenged to continue to grow in our faith and in our actions within the community around us.
Paul … Paul is challenging all who would listen to his words that they, “Do not be comformed to this world” [2], for it would seem that it is all to easy for some individuals to be swollowed up whole by the present dictates of their all too worldly society.  When society tells us that it is better to possess as much wealth as possible rather than it is to share these treasures of God’s creation with all of our brothers and sisters, we are reminded by our faith and our Creator that we are called to share what we have so that everyone will have enough.  When society tells us that “an eye for an eye” is the true porcess to restore the balance of justice, we are reminded by our faith and our Creator to “… let he who is without sin cast the first stone.[3]  When society tells us that we should only care for or help our true brothers and sisters – that is only those who look like us – we are reminded by our faith and our Savior that “… whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is …[4] truly our brothers and our sisters.

[1] Matthew 16:18b NRSV
[2] Romans 12:2a NRSV
[3] John 8:7b NRSV
[4] Matthew 12:50b NRSV

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"... the crumbs that fall ..."

“[For] the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” [1]

These words from Paul’s letter to the Romans are important for us to keep in our minds as we struggle with this morning’s lesson from the Gospel of Matthew.  The unfortunate truth is that for humanity it has always been, and will forever continue to be an easy task for individuals or even societies, to either disavow or entirely strip away the gifts and callings of those who are classified as others … especially those who are outsiders.
Jesus, the Son of God, was born to Jewish parents.  This means that Jesus was/is a part of the “chosen people of God.”  He was sent by God to bring the Children of Israel back to God and away from the ways of this world.  In the preceding chapters of Matthew’s Gospel we will find time and time again where Jesus is at odds with the Jewish Religious Leadership.
Last week, we talked about Peter challenging what he thought might be just an illusion of Jesus walking on the surface of the sea.  When Jesus called Peter to step out and walk towards him; Peter did, but then Peter’s faith failed him.  Jesus had to rescue him.  And now once again, at the start of Chapter 15, the Pharisees and the scribes are challenging Jesus because his disciples are continiously breaking the traditions of the elders.[2]  And so Jesus is stressed and is once more focusing closely on achieving the goal set before him; to bring the choosen people back into a truly closer relationship with God.
And now a Canaanite woman calls to him while he is struggling with how to reach out to the choosen people.  He is able to ignore her pleas, but the disciples are now calling for him to send her away.
I’m not Jesus … not even close.   But when I’m trying to write a sermon – and someone knocks at the door asking for directions … and a car turns around in the drive-way … and when the phone rings, and it’s someone who’s not even a member of our Church who asks in a forigen language if I can help them … Well, it is tempting to be anything but compassionate.
But the response of the woman is different and interesting.  Rather than flipping him off or screaming some obscenity, she comes and kneels before him, calling him “Lord,” and begging him for help.
Maybe the answer that Jesus gave was for her, his disciples, or himself … we’ll never really know.  All we do know for sure is that he continues to concentrate on the chosen people of God while implying that she is a worthless individual … a dog.  Jesus is continuing to focus on his theological mission rather than what she is trying to communicate.  But when she answers that even the dogs will be able to eat from the crumbs under the table she is able to clearly communicate that, “Theology, valuable and necessary as it is, need not stand in the way of divine compassion or human faith.[3]  And Jesus acknowledges that her faith is great; maybe even greater than Peter’s was while he was out for a walk on the waves of the sea.  Jesus healed the daughter of the woman … a foreigner … someone of a different faith if any faith at all.  But the reality that Jesus saw was that she did have faith; faith in someone outside of herself, faith in Jesus, faith in God.

[1] Romans 11:29 NRSV
[2] Matthew 15:2a NRSV
[3] The New Interpreter’s Bible, Volume VII: ABINGDON Press, Nashville © 1995.  Page 337 (Reflections; item 1, line7)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Why did you doubt?"

if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.[1]
This is the promise of faith that is given to every one of us in this morning’s reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans.  There are two basic requirements found within these words from Paul; there are two critical actions which must be taken – Confession and Belief!  We are reminded that our faith is a combination of words and actions.  We are challenged to not only utter the words of Confession … we are also challenged to believe down to the very depths of our hearts that God has raised Jesus from the dead.
Many of us have met individuals who are all too willing to recite for us the words of some collection of rules for a successful life.  But the real question is whether they are willing to actually live by them. 
I have known a few individuals who have told me that the most basic rule of life is “to do onto others as you would have them do unto you.”  But I have also known a few of them to stab their competitors in the back when they thought no one was watching.  And there are a few of us around who know that there are certain foods that we should not eat, and yet we continue to consume them.
Yes, it is sometimes easy to say the words … but it is not always easy to put into actions a life of belief.  And it’s not just us who have to face this dilemma.  Do you remember what happened to Peter when he challenged the vision of Jesus walking on the water?  Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”[2]  And so Jesus called Peter; Peter stepped out on the water and began to walk to Jesus, but when Peter took notice of what he was doing … when his “worldly brain” once again told him that what he was doing was not possible … he began to sink under the waves.  As Peter was being rescued by Jesus, we hear the famous question … “why did you doubt?
Be careful now, for Peter is not the only disciple who had his struggles with doubt.  Do you remember the disciple Thomas?  The one who became known as Doubting Thomas?
And now we come back to the present time before us.  It is easy for most of us to confess Jesus Christ as the Lord within these walls – and soon we will share a confession of faith before we share Communion – but are we also willing to take our confession of faith into our everyday lives?  Are we willing to share with others that it is our God who watches over us when they say that we are “lucky to have escaped injury?”  Are we willing to both give assistance and direct them to God when they come to us for help and advice during times of critical need?  When we come at last to stand before the Final Judge, what will we answer when asked who did we really share our faith with during our time in creation?
Yes, we will also be held accountable … not only for ourselves but also for our brothers and our sisters.  Do you remember what Paul wrote to the Romans?  But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed?  And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard?  And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?  And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent?  As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’"[3] 

[1] Romans 10:9 NRSV
[2] Matthew 14:28b NRSV
[3] Romans 10:14-15 NRSV

Friday, August 5, 2011

Standing up ...

     This morning, while walking along the Hardscrabble Road, I passed by an old field filled with rough grass and weeds.  I can remember when I was a younger man working with my Father-in-law to harvest hay from that field.  The field has changed over the years.  This old field seems to be in the midst of returning to the wild.
     What caught my eye was the sight of a single Sun-flower standing tall about 30 yards from the front edge.  A quick look showed that it was the only one in this six acre field.  It's bright yellow peddles surrounding it's dark brown center seemed to call out to any creature with eyes to see colors.  It was also outstanding in that it was at least a foot and a half taller than any other plant in this field. 
     And as I thought about how it stood out, I remembered when I was in the fourth grade.  I can still remember that one time, when the entire class was outside for recess, our teacher was standing head and shoulders above her students.  When she turned around to lead the class back inside she happened to be directly facing me.  It must have been strange for her to be looking at me eye to eye at the same level.  I know that it was strange for me to be so tall at that age.
     My mother tells me that she is glad that I did not continue to grow at that same rate.  Yes, I'm 6 foot 2 inches tall now, and though by some standards I'm tall ... but I'm not a giant.  Some of us are tall, some of us are short, and most of us are somewhere in the middle.  But the real questions should be, "Are we willing to stand up?  Are willing to stand up for ourselves?  Are we willing to stand up for others?  Are we willing to be seen?  Or are we trying to 'Just blend into the crowd?'"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Memory (part I)

     While walking for 30 minutes this morning along Hardscrabble Road, I began thinking about some memories.  For almost 30 years I've lived on this road with my wife and children.  Actually we lived two doors down from the house that she grew up in.  Her father was a farmer and her mother was a Jr. High School English Teacher; in fact my wife eventually taught for many years in her mother's classroom.
     As the memories were coming back to me, I tried to remember the names of some of the other neighbors along the walk.  I could remember what they looked like, but I couldn't remember their names.  Actually remembering names has always been hard for me.  Oh I can still remember which room, which row, and which seat almost everyone of my 4,800 plus students over the years sat in, but I cannot remember their names on my own.  99% of the time if someone tells me their name I'll know if it is correct or if they are "testing me."
     The other night I was introduced to one of the church leaders at a meeting, and after less then two minutes - I had forgotten her name.  I can only imagine how she might feel; "This man doesn't even care enough to remember my name!"  But the honest truth is that I know her face and I know that she is the Chair of the Committee, and I know that soon I will "learn" her name.
     But in all honesty I have to also share the following:  About a week ago I was having a conversation with my wife in which I was listing the names of all of our Grandchildren.  After saying the names of the six of our grandsons - and before saying the name of our grand-daughter - I could not say the name of the seventh grandson.  I was blocked!  It would not come.  When I looked at my wife, and as a tear formed in my eye, I asked her, "Why can't I say Drew's name?"
     A number of years ago, I survived a "minor" stroke.  I've seen the images taken of my brain (and yes - I do have a brain!)  I'm "lucky" ... I show no "outward signs" of damage ... I have no physical or speech problems, and no other memory or mental problems (This stroke happened years before I went to Drew Theological School and earned an MDiv with honors!)
     And now I wonder to myself at times, "What other things have I lost?  What events, places, or people have I lost?" 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What is your response

This morning’s walk was progressing well; I had completed 10 minutes of my targeted 30 minutes of walking.  I had only seen two cars and a single pick-up truck.  I had however heard the joyous sound of many birds greeting the fresh and bright morning.
Suddenly I hear the sound of a barking dog several hundred yards off to my left.  This was not the sound of a dog wanting to get back into the house, nor was it the sound of a dog talking to a friend in another yard.  This was the sound of a dog after something, and he was headed in my direction.
Then I saw him; a dark spotted white dog of average size was running very quickly up a long drive way.  By the time he arrived, he was still running at his top speed.  Without even thinking, I turned my left side towards him and braced myself for an attack.
As he ran by and then around me, I was relieved that I was not going to be bitten – and that I would not have to harm this dog in anyway.  At first what he did next was a surprise to me; he went over to a large weed by the side of the road and his land to “mark his territory.”
It wasn’t until I was almost finished with my morning walk that I began to understand what the dog had done.  Only one of two responses truly makes since in this event; either the dog “thought” that I was someone who had “hurt him” in the past, or the dog had been trained to “defend” the property from invaders.  When the dog discovered that I was not going to be a threat, he either showed his “pride” by making plant or he had to “relieve” his inter stress.
We have all at one time or another seen human beings respond in this same way.  When “surprised” or “confronted” there is an internal “fight or flight” response.  But sometimes there are individuals who are stuck in the aggressive mode as a “first response.”  If we can somehow understand this and give them an “extra chance,” then sometimes we can also discover that they are really very nice people.  The real question might be – “What is our response to those who act this way?”

Monday, August 1, 2011

Walking daily with thee ...

For the last several years I have been trying to walk a specific amount of time each morning.  Sometimes I’m successful, but most often I fall very short of my goal.  Maybe the best place to begin this thought process would be to review the intentions or goals.
     I was “encouraged” by my Cardiologist (and my General Practitioner) to “get more exorcise.”  They also encouraged me to eat a better diet (I’ll save that for another day!)  However, they both agreed that “body building” was out!  Since I could walk for free, I decided to begin with a “daily walk.”  My research has uncovered several items.
     First - You cannot begin with a 3 mile walk!  Having spent most of my life sitting at a desk or a soft chair in front of the TV, I’ve discovered that it is best to begin with a 10 minute walk; that is 5 minutes out and 5 minutes back.  Then on each of the following days add an additional 2 minutes to the walking time.  If the walking time becomes a bit uncomfortable, then hold at that time until it is comfortable, and then increase it until finally you are walking about an hour each day.
     Second – You will have to decide for yourself if you can or cannot walk with a “friend.”  I have tried in the past to walk with someone else and either they are too slow or they are too fast.  Maybe someday I will find someone with whom I can walk at a matched pace.
     Third – You will need to find a “comfortable” location to do your walking.  Some of the locations that I’ve been walking at have been interesting.  My favorite location is a “country road” – a location with an opportunity to see few cars, trucks, or people while at the same time seeing many trees, plants, birds, and animals.  I’ve also walking in Shopping Malls during the winter months (early morning hours are best).
     Fourth – You must be willing to make a commitment to walking at least 5 of 6 days of each week.  Sometimes there are events in each of our lives will not afford us an opportunity to “get in” our daily walk, but we have to be willing to “start over” if the need arises.  And here is where I have my hardest time keeping up with this program.  On July 1st I once again started with my daily walking … after a 9 month break!
I really do enjoy being in the outdoors “listening to and seeing” all of the wonders that God has created for me to see, hear, and feel … and yet I wonder how long I will keep up with my walking this time?