Monday, August 1, 2011

Walking daily with thee ...

For the last several years I have been trying to walk a specific amount of time each morning.  Sometimes I’m successful, but most often I fall very short of my goal.  Maybe the best place to begin this thought process would be to review the intentions or goals.
     I was “encouraged” by my Cardiologist (and my General Practitioner) to “get more exorcise.”  They also encouraged me to eat a better diet (I’ll save that for another day!)  However, they both agreed that “body building” was out!  Since I could walk for free, I decided to begin with a “daily walk.”  My research has uncovered several items.
     First - You cannot begin with a 3 mile walk!  Having spent most of my life sitting at a desk or a soft chair in front of the TV, I’ve discovered that it is best to begin with a 10 minute walk; that is 5 minutes out and 5 minutes back.  Then on each of the following days add an additional 2 minutes to the walking time.  If the walking time becomes a bit uncomfortable, then hold at that time until it is comfortable, and then increase it until finally you are walking about an hour each day.
     Second – You will have to decide for yourself if you can or cannot walk with a “friend.”  I have tried in the past to walk with someone else and either they are too slow or they are too fast.  Maybe someday I will find someone with whom I can walk at a matched pace.
     Third – You will need to find a “comfortable” location to do your walking.  Some of the locations that I’ve been walking at have been interesting.  My favorite location is a “country road” – a location with an opportunity to see few cars, trucks, or people while at the same time seeing many trees, plants, birds, and animals.  I’ve also walking in Shopping Malls during the winter months (early morning hours are best).
     Fourth – You must be willing to make a commitment to walking at least 5 of 6 days of each week.  Sometimes there are events in each of our lives will not afford us an opportunity to “get in” our daily walk, but we have to be willing to “start over” if the need arises.  And here is where I have my hardest time keeping up with this program.  On July 1st I once again started with my daily walking … after a 9 month break!
I really do enjoy being in the outdoors “listening to and seeing” all of the wonders that God has created for me to see, hear, and feel … and yet I wonder how long I will keep up with my walking this time?

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