Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Memory (part I)

     While walking for 30 minutes this morning along Hardscrabble Road, I began thinking about some memories.  For almost 30 years I've lived on this road with my wife and children.  Actually we lived two doors down from the house that she grew up in.  Her father was a farmer and her mother was a Jr. High School English Teacher; in fact my wife eventually taught for many years in her mother's classroom.
     As the memories were coming back to me, I tried to remember the names of some of the other neighbors along the walk.  I could remember what they looked like, but I couldn't remember their names.  Actually remembering names has always been hard for me.  Oh I can still remember which room, which row, and which seat almost everyone of my 4,800 plus students over the years sat in, but I cannot remember their names on my own.  99% of the time if someone tells me their name I'll know if it is correct or if they are "testing me."
     The other night I was introduced to one of the church leaders at a meeting, and after less then two minutes - I had forgotten her name.  I can only imagine how she might feel; "This man doesn't even care enough to remember my name!"  But the honest truth is that I know her face and I know that she is the Chair of the Committee, and I know that soon I will "learn" her name.
     But in all honesty I have to also share the following:  About a week ago I was having a conversation with my wife in which I was listing the names of all of our Grandchildren.  After saying the names of the six of our grandsons - and before saying the name of our grand-daughter - I could not say the name of the seventh grandson.  I was blocked!  It would not come.  When I looked at my wife, and as a tear formed in my eye, I asked her, "Why can't I say Drew's name?"
     A number of years ago, I survived a "minor" stroke.  I've seen the images taken of my brain (and yes - I do have a brain!)  I'm "lucky" ... I show no "outward signs" of damage ... I have no physical or speech problems, and no other memory or mental problems (This stroke happened years before I went to Drew Theological School and earned an MDiv with honors!)
     And now I wonder to myself at times, "What other things have I lost?  What events, places, or people have I lost?" 

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