Friday, August 5, 2011

Standing up ...

     This morning, while walking along the Hardscrabble Road, I passed by an old field filled with rough grass and weeds.  I can remember when I was a younger man working with my Father-in-law to harvest hay from that field.  The field has changed over the years.  This old field seems to be in the midst of returning to the wild.
     What caught my eye was the sight of a single Sun-flower standing tall about 30 yards from the front edge.  A quick look showed that it was the only one in this six acre field.  It's bright yellow peddles surrounding it's dark brown center seemed to call out to any creature with eyes to see colors.  It was also outstanding in that it was at least a foot and a half taller than any other plant in this field. 
     And as I thought about how it stood out, I remembered when I was in the fourth grade.  I can still remember that one time, when the entire class was outside for recess, our teacher was standing head and shoulders above her students.  When she turned around to lead the class back inside she happened to be directly facing me.  It must have been strange for her to be looking at me eye to eye at the same level.  I know that it was strange for me to be so tall at that age.
     My mother tells me that she is glad that I did not continue to grow at that same rate.  Yes, I'm 6 foot 2 inches tall now, and though by some standards I'm tall ... but I'm not a giant.  Some of us are tall, some of us are short, and most of us are somewhere in the middle.  But the real questions should be, "Are we willing to stand up?  Are willing to stand up for ourselves?  Are we willing to stand up for others?  Are we willing to be seen?  Or are we trying to 'Just blend into the crowd?'"

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